Week 8 - Project Planning

  • 2025-03-04
  • 9:30-10:45
  • Shannon 317

Guiding Questions

  • What will you work on for the remainder of the course?


  • Come prepared to present three potential final data sources for your final project. You’ll be sharing them for a panel of judges to discuss as a group.
  • Answer these questions in your presentations:
    • What is the dataset? Why do we care?
    • How viable does it seem to collect the data? to clean it?
    • What questions might someone answer with the dataset that can’t otherwise be answered?
    • Are there any concerns about doing this work on this data, ethical or legal?
    • What are the pro’s and cons of each data source?
    • Which stories are you most interested in?


  • Student groups will pitch three potential ideas in groups for four to a panel of judges. 20 minutes max for each group.


  • Submit a short write-up of your group’s ideas by Friday at 9:00AM. One single-spaced page max, so roughly one paragraph for each idea. Rank them based on your interest and how feasible they seem. Brandon will select one for you to work on (hopefully the one you ranked top!).