
  • Head of Student Programs, Scholars’ Lab
    University of Virginia Library, January 2019-present
  • Head of Graduate Programs, Scholars’ Lab
    University of Virginia Library, May 2017-January 2019
  • Mellon Digital Humanities Fellow, Visiting Assistant Professor of English
    Washington and Lee University Library, November 2015-May 2017


  • Ph.D. in English, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (November 2015)
  • M.A. in English, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (2011)
  • B.A. (with Distinction), University of Virginia, Charlottesville (2009)

Selected Awards and Grants

  • Mentor, Digital Ethnic Futures Consortium’s Teaching and Capacity Building Fellowship program, 2022
  • $6000 Grant for AV/VR Documentation, with Arin Bennett and Will Rourke, Parents Fund UVA, 2019
  • Raven Fellowship to develop Python web application to analyze sound recordings of poetry, Raven Society, Raven Society, UVA, 2015
  • Yalden-Thomson Summer Grant to develop Python web application to analyze sound recordings of poetry, Society of Fellows, UVA, 2015
  • Graduate Fellowship in the Digital Humanities, Scholars’ Lab, UVA, 2015-16
  • Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, UVA, 2015
  • First Place at UVA’s Huskey Graduate Research Exhibition for presentation on “Hearing Silent Woolf”
  • Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows, UVA, 2014-2015
  • Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Summer Research Fellowship Award; Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, UVA, 2013
  • Praxis Program Fellowship, Scholars’ Lab, UVA, 2012-2013
  • Summer Graduate Research and Travel Grant, UVA, annually, 2010-present

Peer Review Publications

Other Publications

Public Writing

Invited Presentations and Workshops

  • Invited by Brooke Schmolke to discuss teaching and pedagogy with the student managers of Macalester’s Digital Resources Center.
  • Invited talk, “Lessons from the Lab: Designing Community-Forward Spaces”, University of Chicago Library’s Library Futures Speaker Series, with Amanda Visconti, Spring 2023
  • Invited talk, “Beyond Projecting: Planning DH Course Projects that Work for You,” Digital Ethnic Futures Consortium, Spring 2023
  • Invited course visit on digital pedagogy, Zoe LeBlanc’s Introduction to Digital Humanities course, UIUC School of Information, Fall 2022
  • Invited course visit, Kristen Mapes’ course on Digital Humanities Pedagogy, MSU; Spring 2022, Spring 2023
  • Invited talk, “The Hard Modes: Jazz, Video Games, and the Pandemic,” Animal Crossing: New Digital Humanities; with Gregory Weaver, August 25, 2022.
  • Invited participant, panel on “Digital Humanities Laboratories: Communities of/in Practice”, 2021 meeting of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities
  • Invited talk with Bucknell DH students, Bucknell University, July 2020.
  • Invited talk at Emory Center for Digital Scholarship on “Digital Pedagogy and Opportunities for Hope”, September 2019
  • Invited workshop for students at Emory Center for Digital Scholarship on “Getting from Here to There” in DH project development, September 2019
  • Invited workshop on teaching statements and digital humanities with Ashley Hosbach, at Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, June 2019
  • Invited talk on graduate studies and digital humanities, Digital Integrative Liberal Arts Center, Georgia Tech, March 2018
  • Invited talk, “Text Analysis Pedagogy for Non-Programmers,” University of Pennsylvania WordLab, November 2017
  • Invited roundtable, “Praxis Together: Building Digital Humanities Programs in the Library,” with Alyssa Collins, Julia Haines, and Ammon Shepherd; SEFLIN Virtual Conference on “Digital Utopia: Libraries Building Communities of Learning,” September 2017.
  • Invited coach and workshop leader, Ohio 5 Student Newspaper Hackathon, College of Wooster, March 2017
  • Keynote, “Planning a DH Project When You Feel like an Imposter”, and invited workshop leader, “Introduction to Text Analysis with Twitter”, Undergraduate Network for Research in the Humanities Conference, Lexington, VA, January 2017
  • Invited talk, “Project Managing from the Outside In,” opening remarks for Digital Scholarship Retreat, Universiy of Michigan, March 2015
  • Invited guest lectures on digital humanities software development and project management with Sarah Storti, presentations entitled “Design Instincts” and “Do you want to build a project?,” Washington & Lee University, April 2014, May 2015
  • Invited guest lecture on project management, NINES, and Prism, Joanna Swafford’s DHM 293 course on “Digital Tools: Sherlock Holmes’s London,” SUNY New Paltz, November 2014
  • Invited talk, “Praxis, or the Life Unknown,” Coalition for Networked Information workshop on “Digital Scholarship Centers: Trends and Good Practice,” St. Louis, MO, April 2014
  • Guest lecture on the role of the Project Manager, Mark Kamrath’s ENG6806 course on “Digital Editing and Databases,” University of Central Florida, November 2013

Selected Conferences and Presentations

  • “In SoliDHarity: Forming, Practicing, and Defending our Values”, workshop with Anne Cong-Huyen, Pamella R. Lach, Crystal Luo, Kate Ozment, Caitlin Pollock, and Amanda Visconti, ACH 2024 Conference, summer 2024
  • “#citepedagogy to Pedagogy-driven Publishing”, ACH 2024 Conference, summer 2024
  • “DH Pedagogy and Labor” roundtable with Laura Braunstein, Gabriel Hankins, Zoe LeBlanc, Crystal Luo, Paige Morgan, and John Russell, ACH 2022 Conference, summer 2022
  • Building Community and Generosity in the Context of Graduate Education,” in a panel on “Working at the Intersection: Digital Humanities Pedagogy, Social Justice, and Librarianship,” ACH 2021 Conference, summer 2021
  • “The Programming Historian: A Global Case Study in Multilingual Open Access and DH Tutelage/Instruction”; with Daniel Alves, Jennifer Isasi, Sarah Melton, Sofia Papastamkou, Jessica Parr, Riva Quiroga, Nabeel Siddiqui, Brandon Walsh; 2021 Meeting of the Global Digital Humanities Symposium
  • The Programming Historian and Editorial Process in Digital Publishing,” MLA conference, 2021
  • Forum on “The Open Lab: Digital Scholarship and the Question of Community,” DH Conference, summer 2020 (canceled due to COVID-19)
  • The Life of a (Scholars’) Lab: on Community,” ACH conference, summer 2019
  • Frustration is a Feature,” MLA conference, January 2018
  • Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities Praxis,” DH conference, summer 2017
  • Remixing the Sound Archive: Cut-Up Poetry Records,” Northeast Modern Language Association, Baltimore, MD, March 2017
  • “Planning to Share: Open Educational Resources for Small Liberal Arts Colleges,” workshop co-leader with Mackenzie Brooks, Digital Library Federation Small Liberal Arts College Pre-conference, Milwaukee, WI, November 2016
  • “Student Writing as Digital Humanities Method,” with Mackenzie Brooks, Bucknell Digital Scholarship Conference, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, October 2016
  • Reading Speech: Virginia Woolf, Machine Learning, and the Quotation Mark”, HASTAC, Phoeniz, AZ, May 2016
  • “The Sound of Modernism Today: Distant Reading Audiobook Culture”, American Comparative Literature Association, Boston, MA, March 2016
  • The Devil in the Recording: Deformative Listening and Poetry,” MLA, Vancouver, British Columbia, January 2015
  • Collation and Writing Pedagogy with Juxta Commons and Google Docs,” MLA, Vancouver, British Columbia, January 2015
  • “Joyce, LibriVox, and the Recording Coterie,” “Mass versus Coterie: The Audiobook” panel, MLA, Chicago, IL, January 2014
  • “Ulysses: ‘Noise in the Street,’ Sound of the Self,” XIII International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, June 2012
  • “The Waste Land’s Onomatopoetics,” The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, Louisville, KY, February 2012
  • “Curating Coltrane: Kurt Elling’s Vocalese ‘Resolution,’” Southwest Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association Joint Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 2011

Selected Digital Projects and Related Experience

Technical Profile

  • Languages: Python, Ruby, JavaScript
  • Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Jekyll
  • Large-scale text analysis: natural language processing, topic modeling, machine learning
  • Frontend web design: HTML5, CSS3
  • Content management systems: Drupal, WordPress, Omeka
  • Version control systems: Git, GitHub
  • Markup systems: RDF, XML, TEI

Teaching (University of Virginia)

  • ENGN 5559: Digital Literary Studies
    (Co-Instructor with Alison Booth, one section; Spring 2019)
  • Praxis Program
    (Lead Instructor in collaboration w/ Scholars’ Lab staff; annually from 2017 to present)
  • Scholars’ Lab Student Programs
    (In collaboration w/ Scholars’ Lab staff; 2017 to present)

Teaching (Washington and Lee University)

  • DH 394/ENGL 394 Hacking the Book
    (Instructor, 1 section; Planned but untaught Spring 2017)
  • WRIT 100 Writing in the Age of Digital Surveillance
    (Instructor, 1 section; Winter 2017)
  • HIST 211 Scandal, Crime, and Spectacle in the 19th Century
    (Co-Instructor with Sarah Horowitz, 1 section; Fall 2016; course fulfills DH credit)
  • Undergraduate Digital Humanities Fellows Program
    (Co-Administrator with Mackenzie Brooks, 2 cohorts; Fall 2015-present)

Teaching (University of Virginia as Graduate Student)

  • ENWR 1510 Accelerated Academic Writing, “The Musical: Then and Now”
    (Instructor, 2 sections; Fall 2012, Spring 2013)
  • IHGC 3550 How to Survive an Apocalypse
    (Co-Instructor with Elizabeth Fox, 1 section; Spring 2015)
  • IHGC 3559 American Youth and Film
    (Co-Instructor with Elizabeth Fox, 1 section; Spring 2014)
  • ENGL 3820 History of Literature in English II
    (Head Teaching Assistant, 1 section; Spring 2014)
  • ENGL 3830 History of Literature in English III
    (Head Teaching Assistant, 1 section; Fall 2011)
  • ENWR 3800 Academic and Professional Writing
    (Teaching Assistant, 1 section; Spring 2012)
  • ENRN 3210 Shakespeare I
    (Teaching Assistant, 2 sections; Fall 2013)
  • ENSP 5821 Culture of London: Past and Present
    (Study Abroad Program Assistant, Summer 2013-2015)

Professional Service and Affiliations

  • Delegate Assembly representative, MLA Libraries and Research Forum, Winter 2022-present
  • Association for the Computers and the Humanities Executive Council Member, spring 2020-2022
  • The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, Editorial Collective, fall 2018-present
  • Programming Historian, Editorial Board 2017-2021
  • Digital Humanities Conference, abstract reader, summer 2014-present
  • Reviewer for Conradiana; Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700; Digital Humanities Quarterly
  • Communications chair for Chesapeake DH Consortium, 2019-2020

Local Service (Washington and Lee)

  • Digital Humanities Faculty Committee, 2015-2017
  • Digital Humanities Action Team, 2015-2017
  • Writing Program Faculty Cohort, 2016-2017

Local Service (University of Virginia)

  • Conference Organizer Assistant, “Moving People / Linking Lives: An Interdisciplinary Symposium,” 2014-2015.
  • Graduate English Students Association: MA representative, 2010-11; Modern and Contemporary Literature Area Representative, 2012-2013; Secretary, 2012-13; President, 2013-14.
  • Institute for the Humanities and Global Cultures, Graduate Advisory Board, Spring 2012-present; chair 2013-14.
  • UVA Graduate Conference Committee: Chair, Budget subcommittee 2009-2011; Conference Co-Chair with Sophia Gu, 2011-12.