“The Three-Speed Problem in Digital Humanities Pedagogy”, in What We Teach When We Teach DH: Digital Humanities in the Classroom, part of the Debates in Digital Humanities Series (2023).
“Prism and Reading’s Shape,” in Pataphysics Then & Now, part of the Reconfiguring Modernism series (2022).
Amanda Visconti, Brandon Walsh, and Scholars’ Lab Community, “Running a Collaborative Research Website and Blog with Jekyll and GitHub,” The Programming Historian 9 (2020), https://doi.org/10.46430/phen0090.
LeBlanc, Z., & Walsh, B. (2019). Workshopping the Workshop: Moving Your Sessions Beyond Buttonology. In #DLFTeach Toolkit: Lesson Plans for Digital Library Instruction (1st ed.). https://doi.org/10.21428/65a6243c.41fb7b06.
“Frustration is a Feature: Ugly Feelings and the Digital Humanities,” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, vol. 19 no 3, 2019.
Sichani, Anna-Maria, James Baker, Maria José Afanador Llach, and Brandon Walsh. 2019. “Diversity and Inclusion in Digital Scholarship and Pedagogy: The Case of the Programming Historian”. Insights 32 (1): 16. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.465.
“The Joycean Record: Listening Patterns and Sound Coteries,” James Joyce Quarterly, vol. 53 no. 3-4, 2018.
Invited speaker for roundtable on “Digital Futures of Graduate Study in the Humanities,” contribution entitled “Finding Your Lever: DH Pedagogy and Crisis,” Spring 2025.
Invited workshop, “Organized Chaos: Humanities Data and Cleaning with a Purpose,” Pennsylvania State University, Spring 2025.
Invited workshop, “Book, Number, Graph: Getting Started with Text Analysis”, University of Houston, Spring 2025.
Invited by Brooke Schmolke to discuss teaching and pedagogy with the student managers of Macalester’s Digital Resources Center, 2024.
Invited talk, “Lessons from the Lab: Designing Community-Forward Spaces”, University of Chicago Library’s Library Futures Speaker Series, with Amanda Visconti, Spring 2023.
Invited participant, panel on “Digital Humanities Laboratories: Communities of/in Practice”, 2021 meeting of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities
Invited talk with Bucknell DH students, Bucknell University, July 2020.
Invited workshop for students at Emory Center for Digital Scholarship on “Getting from Here to There” in DH project development, September 2019.
Invited workshop on teaching statements and digital humanities with Ashley Hosbach, at Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, June 2019.
Invited talk on graduate studies and digital humanities, Digital Integrative Liberal Arts Center, Georgia Tech, March 2018.
Invited talk, “Text Analysis Pedagogy for Non-Programmers,” University of Pennsylvania WordLab, November 2017.
Invited roundtable, “Praxis Together: Building Digital Humanities Programs in the Library,” with Alyssa Collins, Julia Haines, and Ammon Shepherd; SEFLIN Virtual Conference on “Digital Utopia: Libraries Building Communities of Learning,” September 2017.
Keynote, “Planning a DH Project When You Feel like an Imposter”, and invited workshop leader, “Introduction to Text Analysis with Twitter”, Undergraduate Network for Research in the Humanities Conference, Lexington, VA, January 2017.
Invited talk, “Project Managing from the Outside In,” opening remarks for Digital Scholarship Retreat, University of Michigan, March 2015.
Invited guest lectures on digital humanities software development and project management with Sarah Storti, presentations entitled “Design Instincts” and “Do you want to build a project?,” Washington & Lee University, April 2014, May 2015.
Invited guest lecture on project management, NINES, and Prism, Joanna Swafford’s DHM 293 course on “Digital Tools: Sherlock Holmes’s London,” SUNY New Paltz, November 2014.
Invited talk, “Praxis, or the Life Unknown,” Coalition for Networked Information workshop on “Digital Scholarship Centers: Trends and Good Practice,” St. Louis, MO, April 2014.
Guest lecture on the role of the Project Manager, Mark Kamrath’s ENG6806 course on “Digital Editing and Databases,” University of Central Florida, November 2013.
Selected Conferences and Presentations
“In SoliDHarity: Forming, Practicing, and Defending our Values”, workshop with Anne Cong-Huyen, Pamella R. Lach, Crystal Luo, Kate Ozment, Caitlin Pollock, and Amanda Visconti, ACH 2024 Conference, fall 2024
“Speculative Digital Pedagogies” with Seanna Viechweg, ACH 2024 Conference, fall 2024.
“Digital Pedagogy on Paper: An Assignment Redesign Workshop” with Mackenzie Brooks, DLF Virtual Forum, fall 2024
“#citepedagogy to Pedagogy-driven Publishing”, ADHO 2024 Conference, summer 2024
“DH Pedagogy and Labor” roundtable with Laura Braunstein, Gabriel Hankins, Zoe LeBlanc, Crystal Luo, Paige Morgan, and John Russell, ACH 2022 Conference, summer 2022
“The Programming Historian: A Global Case Study in Multilingual Open Access and DH Tutelage/Instruction”; with Daniel Alves, Jennifer Isasi, Sarah Melton, Sofia Papastamkou, Jessica Parr, Riva Quiroga, Nabeel Siddiqui, Brandon Walsh; 2021 Meeting of the Global Digital Humanities Symposium
“Planning to Share: Open Educational Resources for Small Liberal Arts Colleges,” workshop co-leader with Mackenzie Brooks, Digital Library Federation Small Liberal Arts College Pre-conference, Milwaukee, WI, November 2016
“Student Writing as Digital Humanities Method,” with Mackenzie Brooks, Bucknell Digital Scholarship Conference, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, October 2016
“Joyce, LibriVox, and the Recording Coterie,” “Mass versus Coterie: The Audiobook” panel, MLA, Chicago, IL, January 2014
“Ulysses: ‘Noise in the Street,’ Sound of the Self,” XIII International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, June 2012
“The Waste Land’s Onomatopoetics,” The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, Louisville, KY, February 2012
“Curating Coltrane: Kurt Elling’s Vocalese ‘Resolution,’” Southwest Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association Joint Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 2011
2016, Lead Writer: Introduction to Text Analysis: A Coursebook, remixable coursebook on introductory text analysis meant for beginner readers, co-authored with Sarah Horowitz, Washington and Lee University
2015-2017, Lead Developer: Huon d’Auvergne, Ruby on Rails TEI edition and implementation of Versioning Machine, Washington and Lee University
2015-2017, Developer: Scholar, Ruby on Rails implementation of BibApp for cataloging faculty publications, Washington and Lee University
2016-2017, Lead Developer: Shenandoah, Ruby on Rails interface to JSON API for searching a literary journal’s index, Washington and Lee University
2013-present, Developer: Prism, Ruby on Rails web application for crowdsourcing textual analysis, created with the Praxis team and the UVa Scholars’ Lab
2015-2017, Lead Developer: Hearing Silent Woolf, Python machine learning project on sound in modernist fiction, received graduate fellowship in digital humanities, UVa Scholars’ Lab
ENGN 5559: Digital Literary Studies
(Co-Instructor with Alison Booth, one section; Spring 2019)
Praxis Program
(Lead Instructor in collaboration w/ Scholars’ Lab staff; annually from 2017 to present)
Scholars’ Lab Student Programs
(In collaboration w/ Scholars’ Lab staff; 2017 to present)
Teaching (Washington and Lee University)
DH 394/ENGL 394 Hacking the Book
(Instructor, 1 section; Planned but untaught Spring 2017)
WRIT 100 Writing in the Age of Digital Surveillance
(Instructor, 1 section; Winter 2017)
HIST 211 Scandal, Crime, and Spectacle in the 19th Century
(Co-Instructor with Sarah Horowitz, 1 section; Fall 2016; course fulfills DH credit)
Undergraduate Digital Humanities Fellows Program
(Co-Administrator with Mackenzie Brooks, 2 cohorts; Fall 2015-present)
Teaching (University of Virginia as Graduate Student)
ENWR 1510 Accelerated Academic Writing, “The Musical: Then and Now”
(Instructor, 2 sections; Fall 2012, Spring 2013)
IHGC 3550 How to Survive an Apocalypse
(Co-Instructor with Elizabeth Fox, 1 section; Spring 2015)
IHGC 3559 American Youth and Film
(Co-Instructor with Elizabeth Fox, 1 section; Spring 2014)
ENGL 3820 History of Literature in English II
(Head Teaching Assistant, 1 section; Spring 2014)
ENGL 3830 History of Literature in English III
(Head Teaching Assistant, 1 section; Fall 2011)
ENWR 3800 Academic and Professional Writing
(Teaching Assistant, 1 section; Spring 2012)
ENRN 3210 Shakespeare I
(Teaching Assistant, 2 sections; Fall 2013)
ENSP 5821 Culture of London: Past and Present
(Study Abroad Program Assistant, Summer 2013-2015)
Professional Service and Affiliations
Delegate Assembly representative, MLA Libraries and Research Forum, Winter 2022-present
Association for the Computers and the Humanities Executive Council Member, spring 2020-2022
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, Editorial Collective, fall 2018-present
Programming Historian, Editorial Board 2017-2021
Digital Humanities Conference, abstract reader, summer 2014-present
Reviewer for Conradiana; Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700; Digital Humanities Quarterly
Communications chair for Chesapeake DH Consortium, 2019-2020
Local Service (Washington and Lee)
Digital Humanities Faculty Committee, 2015-2017
Digital Humanities Action Team, 2015-2017
Writing Program Faculty Cohort, 2016-2017
Local Service (University of Virginia)
Conference Organizer Assistant, “Moving People / Linking Lives: An Interdisciplinary Symposium,” 2014-2015.
Graduate English Students Association: MA representative, 2010-11; Modern and Contemporary Literature Area Representative, 2012-2013; Secretary, 2012-13; President, 2013-14.
Institute for the Humanities and Global Cultures, Graduate Advisory Board, Spring 2012-present; chair 2013-14.