Brandon Walsh
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of English
University of Virginia
- Ph.D. in English, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (in progress).
- M.A. in English, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
Focus: British Modernism, 20th century Literature (2011).
- B.A. University of Virginia, Charlottesville (2009).
Majors: English Literature (with Distinction, Modern Studies Concentration), Music.
Master’s Thesis
- “Noise and the Novel: The Sound of Literary Modernism”
This study examines sound production and reception in the works of Conrad, Joyce, and Woolf, with special attention to the ways that the “aesthetics of noise” reoriented conditions of labor, community, and the body.
Advisor: Professor Michael Levenson.
Honors and Awards
- Scholars’ Lab Praxis Program Fellowship, UVA, 2011-2012.
- Departmental Service Award, UVA, Spring 2012.
- Summer Graduate Research and Travel Grant, UVA, Spring 2012.
- Summer Graduate Research and Travel Grant, UVA, Spring 2011.
- Master’s Student Representative, Graduate English Students Association, UVA, Spring 2010.
- Graduate Research and Travel Grant, UVA, 2010.
- Awarded Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, UVA, Spring 2009.
- Brander Wyatt Morrison Prize in Music, UVA, Spring 2009.
- Research and Travel Grant, UVA, Summer 2008.
- Departmental Excellence in Music, UVA, Winter 2007.
- Echols Scholar, UVA, Fall 2005.
Peer Review Publications
- “Broken Songs and Machine Noise in Joseph Conrad’s Early Fiction,” Conradiana (forthcoming).
- “A Modern Trumpet Concerto: Edward Green’s Concerto in C for Trumpet and Orchestra and the Poetics of Eli Siegal,” (co-author Paul Neebe), International Trumpet Guild Journal 36.4 (June 2012).
Other Publications
- “Changed, Eh?”: A Report on the XXIII International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 10-16 June 2012,” James Joyce Quarterly (forthcoming).
- “Free-Access Digital Texts and the Classroom,” guest blog entry, Public Knowledge Journal, Published 2/17/10, http://pkjournal.org/?p=761.
Conferences and Presentations
- "Ulysses: 'Noise in the Street,' Sound of the Self," XIII International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, June 2012.
- "The Waste Land's Onomatopoetics," “Music in Early Twentieth-Century Poetry” panel, The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, Louisville, Kentucky, February 2012.
- “Curating Coltrane: Kurt Elling’s Vocalese ‘Resolution,’” Southwest Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association Joint Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 2011.
- Moderator, “Limits of Communication in the Modern Novel” panel, Sound and Unsound: Noise, Nonsense and the Unspoken Graduate Conference, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 2011.
- “Virginia Woolf’s Silent London,” “Sound Minds?” panel, Sound and Unsound: Noise, Nonsense, and the Unspoken Graduate Conference, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 2011.
- “Partial Vision: Boylan, Scotoma, and Advertisement in Ulysses,” “Sensing Borders” panel, Making Sense: Thinking & Feeling Texts Graduate Conference, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 2010.
- “Adaptation and High Culture: T.S. Eliot’s Appropriation of Dante in Little Gidding,” “Literary Inheritances” panel, Pockets of Change: Cultural Adaptation and Transitions Graduate Conference, University of Queensland, Australia, September 2009.
Courses Taught
- ENGL 3830 History of Literature in English III (1 section, enrollment 20)
- ENWR 3800 Academic and Professional Writing (1 section, enrollment 9)
- ENWR 1510 Accelerated Academic Writing “The Musical: Then and Now” (1 section, enrollment 18)
Other Teaching Experience
- Classroom Volunteer for Ms. Lori Walsh, 40 hours at Achievable Dream Academy, Newport News, VA, Winter 2010.
- Private Music Teacher, taught trumpet, guitar, music theory, composition, and improvisation. Spring 2004-12.
- Invited discussion moderator of Haruki Murakami’s “Super-Frog Saves Tokyo”, UVA Humanities Week Garden Discussion, Spring 2012.
- Invited discussion moderator of Jorge Luis Borges’s “The Circular Ruins,” UVA Literary Breakfast Club Discussion, September 2012.
Professional Service and Affiliations
- Conradiana, reader
- International James Joyce Foundation, member 2012-
- Modernist Studies Association, member 2009-
- Modern Languages Association, member 2009-
- MA Student Orientation Panel, UVA Spring 2012.
- Institute for the Humanities and Global Cultures, Graduate Advisory Board, UVA, Spring 2012.
- Little Red Schoolhouse Batten Project, content developer, UVA, Spring 2012.
- Panelist, MA Applicants to PhD Programs Workshop, UVA, Fall 2011.
- RA for Professor Sandhya Shukla, English Department, UVA. Duties included gathering research materials on ethnic-American autobiography, Vito Marcantonio and racial politics in early twentieth-century Harlem, contemporary Harlem art and music, and the artist Dave McKenzie, Spring 2011.
- Research Assistant for Professor Eric Lott, assembled materials for teaching and research, Summer-Fall 2010.
- Grader for “African American Literature II,” Professor Lisa Woolfork, graded quizzes, papers, midterms, and finals, Spring 2010.
- Research Assistant for Professor Paul Neebe, Fall 2008-Fall 2010.
- Co-Chair, UVA Graduate Conference Committee, 2012.
- Chair, Budget subcommittee for UVA Graduate Conference Committee, 2009-2011.
- GESA representative for the MA graduate class, 2010.
- Panelist, New MA Student Orientation, Fall 2010.
- Organized reading group for Joyce’s Ulysses, led discussion, Summer 2010.
- Co-organized reading group on Music and Literary Theory, Spring 2010.
- Area Committee Participant; 20th century Studies, Recent Novel Reading Group.