Week 6 - Analysis

  • 2025-02-18
  • 9:30-10:45
  • Shannon 317

Guiding Questions

  • How does all the work we have done so far enable us to ask new questions of our materials?
  • How do quantitative and qualitative analyses relate to one another?



  • Introduction: Qualitative vs Quantitative Analysis
  • Activity: Workshop on Looker Studio
  • Slides linked here


  • Use Looker Studio to tell a story about the data. By 9:00 AM send me a paragraph describing what you see and a screenshot of any visualization that is meaningful to you.
  • For your final project, come up with three potential data sources to collect and hone into a final project. Email to me by 9:00 AM Friday. For each of them, share a link, a short description, and some keywords describing your interests.
    • (I’m going to try to group you into like-minded subject areas)
  • And as a preview, your final outcome will entail the following, so you might want to touch on some pieces of this during your presentations.
    • Collected, cleaned dataset
    • Data essay containing
      • Metadata breakdown
      • Narrative of the dataset
      • Usage examples
      • Basic analysis
      • Credits
      • Distributed to a repository (potentially!)