Week 7 - Distribution

  • 2025-02-25
  • 9:30-10:45
  • Shannon 317

Guiding Questions

  • How and why do you share your work?
  • How do you do so in a form that is usable for others?



  • Introduction: Publishing your Work
  • Activity: Return to Icebreaker Dataset
  • Slides linked here


  • Meet in your groups to discuss your potential project ideas. As a group,you will each you will pitch three potential ideas to a group of judges next time. This means you will have to select which ideas you will propose.

And as a preview, your final outcome will entail the following, so you might want to touch on some pieces of this during your presentations.

  • Collected, cleaned dataset
  • Metadata breakdown
  • Narrative of the dataset
  • Usage examples
  • Basic analysis
  • Credits
  • Distributed to a repository (potentially!)